Tution-point.com SEO Analysis

Pagespeed Score
Desktop 96/100
Mobile 41/100
Optimization Stats
Field Data Result
Page Size 15 KB
Compression 4 KB (-75.4%)
Text/Html Ratio 3348 / 15152 (bytes) = 22.1%
Load Time 0.14 second
Mobile Ready 100/100
In-Page Links 84
Doc Type HTML 5
Encoding UTF-8
Declared Language Unknown
Preferred Domain No
Robots.txt No
Url Rewrite Yes
Underscores in url No
Images Without ALT 0 / 1
Embedded Objects (Desktop) No
Embedded Objects (Mobile) No
Iframe No
Custom 404 page No
Email Privacy No
Gsafe browsing Yes
Analytics No
W3C Validity No
Keyword Consistency
Keywords Freq Title Desc <H>
pointers 7
array 7
introduction 7
statement 5
programming 5
call 4
pointer 4
values 3
concept 3
input 3
program 3
structure 3
difference 3
between 3
learn 3

April, 30 2020

With 0.14 seconds in page load, 15 KB of page size and all other reports below, the tution-point.com has a SEO score of 51 out of 100

Meta tags data
Title Tutionpoint
Description Tutionpoint provides free C-Language tutorials. C programming is an excellent language to learn to program for beginners. Our C tutorials will guide you to learn C programming one step at a time.
Keyword c language,c language programs,c language basics,c language loops,c language for loop,Introduction to Programming,High Level vs Low level Programming,Compiler and Interpreter,Linker and Loader,Structured Programming Concept,Process of Programming,Algorithm in Programming,Developing Programs in C,A simple C Program,Basic Structure of C program,Rules to write C Program,Execution of C Programs,Identifiers in c,flow chart,variables in c,Data Types in C,Program Statements in c,Tokens in c,Operators in c,Expressions in c,Type Casting in c,Input and Output Statements in c,Formatted Input and Output in c,Non-Formatted Input and Output in c,Control Statements in c,Branching Statements in c,If Statement in c,If-else statement in c, Nested if statement in c, Switch Selection Statements in c, Looping Statements in c, For Loop in c, While Loop in c, Do-while in c, Nested Loops in c, Unconditional Types in c, Continue statement in c, Goto statement in c,Break statement in c, Arrays in c, Concept of Array,Defination and Declaration of Arrays in c, Accessing Array Elements in c, Storing Array Elements in c, Intialization of Arrays in c, Inputting values in c, Assigning values in c, Calculating Array Length in c, Array Operations in c, 2D-Array (Two Diamensional Arrays) in c, 1D-Array inter function communication in c, 2D-Array inter function communication in c, 1D-Array Programs in c, 2D-Array Programs in c, Transpose of Matrix in c, Addition of 2 Matrices in c, Multiplication of 2 Matrices in c, Strings in c, String Handling Functions in c, 2D Character Array in c, Functions in c, Call by Value in c, Call by Reference in c, Storage classes in c, Recursion in c, Difference between Recursion and Iteration in c, Pointers in c, Introduction to Pointers, Pointer constants in c, Pointer values in c, Pointers variables in c, Uses of Pointers in c, Difference between call by value and call by reference in c, Pointer to pointer in c, Compatability in c, Dynamic memory allocation functions in c,Array of pointers in c, Void pointers in c, Null pointers in c, Pointers to strings in c, Structures in c, Difference between Structures and Arrays in c, Structure variable declaration in c,Initialization of structure members in c,Array of structures in c,Unions in c,Difference between unions and structures in c,Files in c,Mode of operations of file in c,File handling functions in C
Domain Registration
Age 0 Years, 3 Days
Created 27th-Apr-2020
Updated 27th-Apr-2020
Expiry 27th-Apr-2021
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Server Location
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Server Location United States
Service Provider GoDaddy.com, LLC
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